Sunday, November 24, 2024

Free Weekly Instant Tournament - October 25 - Board 4

Board 4
Both sides vulnerable

♠ K J 10 9 7 6   A 7   K  ♣ A K Q 5  

Partner opens with one heart in second seat. I have twenty high-card points and a good six-card suit. We're bidding some slam. It's just a question of finding the right one. The robots play two spades as a strong jump shift, but this isn't the hand for it. Strong jump shifts are for slam invitations, not slam drives. It's a way to let partner know you have about an ace more than a minimum game force, which can be hard to do in Eastern Science Fiction. And it surrenders captaincy. If you know you want to be in slam, you shouldn't jump shift, because you want to maintain captaincy yourself.

I bid one spade, and partner bids two hearts. After a one spade response, two hearts guarantees six, since there are no awkward patterns that might require a rebid in a five-card suit. In my style, it also denies three spades. Unfortunately, the robots don't play that way.

I bid three clubs, and partner bids three diamonds. In my methods, I would know I was facing a singleton or void in spades. The two-heart bid denies three spades, and the failure to take a preference denies a doubleton. This is one of the advantages of my approach. Discovering partner is short in your suit can be useful.

Perhaps I should just ask about partner's keycards. If he has king-queen sixth of hearts and two aces, we have thirteen top tricks if hearts break. And if hearts don't break, we have the spade suit in reserve. 

Actually, we don't necessarily need the heart queen. The spade queen is just as good. And grand slam is worth bidding at matchpoints even if partner has ace doubleton of spades and ace-jack of hearts. Opposite that hand, I can try to drop the heart queen first, then try to run spades if that fails. The combined chances are better than 50%. But I don't know how to find out about either of those hands. So I'll settle for six notrump if we're missing a key card or the heart queen.

Four notrump now would agree the last bid suit, diamonds. So I bid three hearts to set the trump suit. Partner bids three spades, a cue-bid, showing the spade ace. I bid four notrump, and partner bids five clubs, showing three keycards. I bid five diamonds to ask about the heart queen. Partner bids five notrump, showing the heart queen but no kings. I bid seven notrump. Everyone passes, and West leads the deuce of spades.

♠ A 3
K Q 10 9 8 3
A 6 5 4
♣ 10

♠ K J 10 9 7 6
A 7
♣ A K Q 5

West North East South
Robot Robot Robot Phillip
Pass 1 Pass 1 ♠
Pass 2 Pass 3 ♣
Pass 3 Pass 3
Pass 3 ♠ Pass 4 NT
Pass 5 ♣ Pass 5
Pass 5 NT Pass 7 NT
(All pass)

If either major suit runs, I have all the tricks. If neither major runs, I have eleven tricks: three spades, three hearts, two diamonds, and three clubs. If I had twelve tricks, I might have a squeeze. But with only eleven tricks, a simple squeeze isn't going to work. So I need to run one of the majors to make this.

I suspect spades are running. A spade lead from a singleton or from queen fourth would be strange on this auction. The lead is probably from three small.

I play low from dummy; East plays the four, and I win with the six. If the lead is from three small, why didn't East play the queen? I can't believe West would lead a spade from queen third, so I suspect he actually did lead a singleton, and East withheld the queen from queen forth.

I don't see how it hurts to cash the spade ace to see if I'm right. I lead a spade to the ace. West plays the five, and East discards the club deuce. West led from queen fourth. That's a strange choice.

We've reached this position, with the lead in dummy.

K Q 10 9 8 3
A 6 5 4
♣ 10

♠ K J 10 9
A 7
♣ A K Q 5

Now I need hearts to run. East's discard of the club deuce is probably from a five-card suit, since robots like to discard count cards. Could East be 1-4-3-5? If so, then I'm going down, since I'm not about to finesse him for the heart jack. But I need to make sure I'm down only one if that's the case. This was not a tough hand to bid, so most of the field should be in seven no trump. If this makes, it will be a little above average. My best chance for a good board is that it doesn't make and I go down fewer than the rest of the field.

I have only eleven tricks if hearts don't break, and I can't set up hearts and get back to dummy without burning a diamond trick. So I'll need an endplay to take twelve. If East is 1-4-3-5, can I arrange that? I can play a diamond to my king and cash the spade king, pitching a diamond from dummy. East can't afford a heart or a club, so he must pitch a diamond, coming down to a singleton. Now I start hearts. If West shows out on the second heart, we'll be down to this position:

♠ --
 Q 10 9 8
A 6
♣ 10

J x
♣ J x x x

♠ J 10 9
♦ --
♣ A K Q 5

I can cash the ace of diamonds, stripping East of his last diamond, then play four rounds of clubs to endplay him.

Wait a minute. None of this is necessary. I get two extra tricks if I set up hearts, so I can afford to overtake the diamond king to get back to dummy. Is that right? Five hearts, three spades, and three clubs makes 11 tricks. So yes, I need only one diamond trick to make twelve. I had a blind spot for a moment. Good thing I caught it before leading a diamond to my king.

I play the three of hearts from dummy. East plays the jack. I win with the ace and claim. Making seven.

♠ A 3
K Q 10 9 8 3
A 6 5 4
♣ 10

♠ Q 8 5 2
5 2
Q 10 8 7
♣ 9 7 6

♠ 4
J 6 4
J 9 3 2
♣ J 8 4 3 2

♠ K J 10 9 7 6
A 7
♣ A K Q 5

A little above average? Shows what I know. This result is worth 100%. Most of the field is in six heart or six notrump. Those who could count to thirteen bid seven hearts instead of seven notrump. That's not a good choice. Not only does seven notrump score higher; it is also more likely to make.

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